1.1 支持OF协议的交换机会上传LLDP,证明是OF设备 1.2 没收到LLDP,有可能是主机,也可能是非OF设备,依赖BDDP包判断2 BBDP 若广播包从一个在[LLDP阶段判断出无直连关系的OF设备]收到它用paketIn封装的broadcast包,证明两个OF设备间有非OF的区域存在(而不是边缘)。否则,该端口连接的是主机,或者是非内部包含的非OF区域。 简单来说:收到LLDP与BDDP,则是OF交换机。仅收到BDDP,就是非OF交换机。都收不到是主机或边缘非OF区域。 补充一个在floodlight官方文档中摘过来的描述DescriptionThe link discovery service is responsible for discovering and maintaining the status of links in the OpenFlow network.How it worksThe link discovery services uses both LLDPs and broadcast packets (aka BDDPs) to detect links. The LLDP destination MAC is 01:80:c2:00:00:0e and the BDDP destination MAC is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (broadcast address). The ether type for LLDPs and BDDPs is 0x88cc and 0x8999. There are two assumptions made in order for the topology to be learned properly. Any switch (including OpenFlow switches) will consume a link-local packet (LLDP). Honors layer 2 broadcasts.Links can either be "direct" or "broadcast". A direct link will be established if an LLDP is sent out one port and the same LLDP is received on another port. This implies that the ports are directly connected. A broadcast link is created if a BDDP is sent out a port and received on another. This implies that there is another layer 2 switch not under the control of the controller between these two ports.